Protect your heart

Did you know that heart disease is the result of 1 in every 4 deaths? This is something to take seriously. Our health as a society, is deteriorating.

How do we avoid this? How do we stack the conditions in our favor to live a long and healthy life?

  • DIET – I dislike this word. I prefer to call it a lifestyle since it is a way of life, not a short-term quick fix that let’s be honest – doesn’t work.

  • MOVEMENT is extremely important. Moving keeps your body young

  • SLEEP - we often forget about the value of this one. There was a study that followed over 98 000 people over 14 years and discovered that people who are regularly sleep deprived were TWICE as likely to die prematurely from heart disease.

But what is even more impactful than that?


Positivity, love, and connection are said to protect the heart. The relationships we form between friends, family, and lovers are of the utmost importance. Even just cuddling your pet can give you an oxytocin boost that changes you.

So hug your parent, your significant other, or your pet extra hard and long today (30 seconds or more). It will literally make your heart happy.

Have a wonderful day!


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